
The KPL law firm is actively involved in charity work

The law firm KPL – Podniesiński i Wspólnicy Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni s.c. and its Team have been actively involved for over 6 years in legal, financial, substantive and advisory support of the “Leave Your Trace” Foundation and its charges – terminally ill children and their families, as well as cultural and educational projects organized by the Foundation.

KPL Law Firm has also been one of the main partners of the International “Sensitive Festival” – a festival of reportage and documentary on socially sensitive issues – organized by the Foundation for the past 5 years. The Sensitive Festival was created to find and recognize particularly attentive reporters. To showcase their work and its results. To bring together sensitive people, responsible media, education, art and communities to help wisely. The festival aims to reward the best Polish reporters for their commitment to difficult topics, search for truth, journalistic ethics, keen observation, workshop and respect for the heroes of their stories. And for the social impact of the material, so that it can change both People and a piece of the world. All proceeds raised from the Sensitive Festival support the Foundation’s charges and Children’s Home Hospices.

We would like to thank you first and foremost for your real, professional support, your willingness to help in any situation, your trust and your time. And for the fact that this is help given out of a genuine need of the heart, and no one expects anything in return but to use it wisely and responsibly. Thanks to partners like the KPL team, our organization can help better, more effectively and in a wide range of ways. We wish such partners and friends not only for ourselves, but for every non-profit organization.